Prana-Life N Living
Psycho-social interventions for healing are holistic & objective, founded on science
Quality integrates dharmic approach of Non-Violence & Self-Other-Environment balance
Raising Consciousness Beyond One’s Ego For:
Transcending Life’s Pulls & Pushes
The Highs & Lows - The Stressors; For
Grounding In One’s Core
Rooting In Values
Living With Joy & Joy In Life..
Psycho-social interventions for healing are holistic & objective, founded on science
Quality integrates dharmic approach of Non-Violence & Self-Other-Environment balance
Crisis Resolution, Suicide Prevention & Problem-Solving Services
Developing Competent Professionals For Working With Disadvantaged Segments
Addressing Environmental Issues
– Waste & Water Management
Outreach Through Media, Publishing, Networking
Studies & Research For Alleviating Suffering By Enhancing Human Potential
Psycho-social interventions for healing are holistic & objective, founded on science
Quality integrates dharmic approach of Non-Violence & Self-Other-Environment balance
N Damotharan Centenary Lifeline - ND Prana
(An Ongoing Project Of NG CC)

Sri N Damotharan, (1919-1972), ND as he was known, was well ahead of his times as a person
and industrialist. ND personified and espoused objectivity, discipline and commitment. He was an exemplar of
minimalism and inspired people around him to identify possibilities and actualize their dreams

NG Chandran Charities launched ND Prana Lifeline as a commemoration of Sri N Damotharan’s Centenary,
dedicating it to a life lived with dignity and grace.

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NG CC- an offshoot

NG Chandran Charities NG CC, launched in 2019, is

NG CC objectives: